Cold and raw foods require that much more energy to transform the raw/cold food into a warm soup within the pot of the stomach. Since it takes energy or qi to create this warmth and transformation, the net profit from this transformation is less. If one eats cooked foods at room temperature (at least) or warmed (at best), less spleen Qi is spent in the process of digestion. Because [Read more…]
Just Because It’s Common, Doesn’t Make it Normal Series: Passing gas
We all have that relative whose fart smells sooo bad that it clears a four story building. You know who I am talking about! 🙂
What is actually happening is the digested proteins are not breaking down correctly because the stomach acids are low or absent – achlorhydria (complete absence of HCL) or hypochlorhydria (diminished HCL). There is a gas building up from the proteins and that is where the farting is coming from. If you don’t have [Read more…]
When passing gas is not cute anymore….
**This blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a guide for diagnosis or treatment of any kind. This content is brought to you by the brilliant work and thinking of the pioneers of nutrition: Dr. Royal Lee, Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Melvin E. Page, Dr. Francis Pottenger, and many more for their ceaseless dedication to better nutrition and health!
Four cups per meal
Remember, your stomach can only digest and process 4 cups of food per meal so if you eat more than that at one time, your stomach does not produce enough digestive enzymes to digest and process the rest.
Schedule your nutritional exam today!
**This blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a guide for diagnosis or treatment of any kind. This content is brought to you by the brilliant work and thinking of the pioneers of nutrition: Dr. Royal Lee, Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Melvin E. Page, Dr. Francis Pottenger, and many more for their ceaseless dedication to better nutrition and health!
You are what you absorb!
Good health comes from good food, yet even the highest quality organically-grown food fails in its health-building qualities if the whole food goodness does not reach our body tissues. Enzymes are the key to digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients that Nature intends for our health and vitality.
Good digestion and assimilation of nutrients is painless and quiet. In fact, with proper digestion you should eat a meal and not even be ware that your food is digesting.
With poor digestion, one feels distressed and aggravated, sometimes during the most often after the meal. More people than ever are taking medications such as ‘acid blockers’ so they don’t feel their poor digestive processes. People often are taking antacids, laxatives and medications to treat symptoms brought on by years of poor food choices an decreased enzyme production.
Schedule your nutritional exam today!
**This blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a guide for diagnosis or treatment of any kind. This content is brought to you by the brilliant work and thinking of the pioneers of nutrition: Dr. Royal Lee, Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Melvin E. Page, Dr. Francis Pottenger, and many more for their ceaseless dedication to better nutrition and health!