Mary Frost, author of Going Back To The Basics of Human Health, said it best:
When people are trying so hard to do the right thing, why aren’t the results long-term? Why do they feel so great when they start taking vitamins and later feel fatigued again? Why are 95% of the people who lose weight unable to keep it off? Why are the statistics on heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes getting worse? My studies have left me to conclude that the 3 major culprits are: [Read more…]
Saturated Fats
Eating saturated fats lowers consumption of and cravings for unhealthy carbohydrates. Every cell membrane in your body requires (50%) saturated fatty acids to be waterproof. Your bones need saturated fat to assimilate calcium effectively. Saturated fat sends a signal of feeling full so you eat less, lose fat, and maintain a normal weight. The brain is 60-65% fat. Imagine what is happening when it is deprived of the necessary saturated fat…think possibly Alzheimer’s and dementia…
The fact about fats!
You need a good mixture of fats in your food plan: [Read more…]
Reproductive system and dietary fats
The female reproductive system requires fat-soluble vitamins (A,E,F,K) as well as other vitamins found in the right kinds of dietary fats for good health. When these nutrients are missing, female reproductive health is compromised, and given time, it will break down, resulting in what has become known as “irreversible” changes that require hysterectomy.* Be sure YOU take responsibility for getting the proper nutrition to allow YOUR body to heal itself. You have choices and options!
*West, Bruce, Dr. Natural Fitness Newsletter, Vol 7, Issue 8, page 2
Resource: Enig, Mary, PhD. Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol, pg 90. Bethesda Press, Silver Spring, MD, 2000.
Schedule your Nutritional Exam today.
**This blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a guide for diagnosis or treatment of any kind. This content is brought to you by the brilliant work and thinking of the pioneers of nutrition: Dr. Royal Lee, Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Melvin E. Page, Dr. Francis Pottenger, and many more for their ceaseless dedication to better nutrition and health!
They say it’s bad for you; but is it?
Are you concerned about Cholesterol? Then read this article by Dr. Michael Gaeta. Let me know what you think in a comment below.
“Heart disease is personal for me and my family. I held my father’s hand as he passed away from his second heart attack. And yes, Dad was taking a statin drug in an effort to prevent that second attack. Statins, prescribed to lower cholesterol, have become the bestselling class of drugs in history—based on ….. ” Read More
Which is which?
Out with the ‘bad’ and in with the ‘good’ fats. But which is which?
The following nutrient-rich traditional fats have nourished healthy populations groups for thousands of years: