Functional Nutrition
Nutritional deficiency is one of the leading causes of cell degeneration which leads to autoimmune conditions. Deficiency conditions LEAD to autoimmune conditions.
“Why are 95% of the people who lose weight unable to keep it off? Why are the statistics on heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes getting worse? When people are trying so hard to do the right thing, why aren’t the results long-term? 3 major culprits: 1) The harm that is done to our food before it even gets to us, 2) synthetic vitamins taken as supplements, and 3) low-fat, low-protein, high-carbohydrate diets.” ~~ Going Back To The Basics of Human Health by Mary Frost, M.A.
One of the 7 principles of the functional nutrition paradigm is foods can be concentrated to clinical potency to deliver greater nutritional impact than foods normally found in nature, and targeted to particular systems so the body can heal itself.
Wellness includes the promotion of health, the prevention of illness, and the restoration and maintenance of health. It is seen as a continual striving toward a higher level of functioning throughout the life cycle. Many of us have been brought up to believe that our health depends solely on the quality of the healthcare we receive.
“I came to LaShay to address very heavy periods and extreme PMS. I was on Depo and wanted to give off. She was able to correct my reproductive system within one cycle. Thank you! I am now off Depo and enjoying my periods.” S.C.
The truth is, your health is your responsibility. You are the only person who can make the lifestyle decisions that contribute to your well-being. You are the one who must take the steps to preserve your health and promote your wellness. Only you have the power to create wellness for yourself. The body is simple, as well as complex, but still self-healing. My goal is to get you back to biological and physiological equilibrium – nothing more, nothing less.

Your power lies in the choices you make every day on your own behalf. If you react out of habit or fixed attitudes, you may not be using your choices wisely to create wellness in your life.
To create wellness you must expand your focus beyond mere physical health, and:
- Strive to balance and integrate your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects
- Establish respectful, cooperative relationships with your family, friends, community, and the environment
- Gather information and make informed wellness-oriented choices
- Actively participate in your health decisions and healing process
- See your body as a self-healing mechanism
- Be intentional about what you put in your grocery basket and pantry
A comfortable, healthy balance between your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects doesn’t happen accidentally. Someone has to be in charge, and that someone is always you. Learn the 24-hour Chinese Qi cycle and how everything is connected.
“We must remember that any dis-ease is at first a disturbance in cell metabolism brought about by interference with cell respiration or starvation, and that to survive the way nature intended, we must avoid those things which produce these adverse biochemical changes.” ~Dr. Royal Lee, 1958
Your behavior and the choices you make in your life affect your health. You can choose to do more of what’s good for you and the world around you, and to do less of what is harmful. You can choose to learn more about your health and the variety of health care options available and you can choose how you will react in a given situation.
Our goal is to help restore your body biochemical and physiological equilibrium – nothing more, nothing less. What the 1st stage of your care plan will look like:
- Fill out a Systems Survey Form, Health History, Toxicity Questionnaire, and Welcome Letter before your appointment.
- Practitioner will conduct a thorough Nutritional Exam, take Page Body Measurements, Health History Intake, and other assessments at your appointment.
- Practitioner will design a whole food concentrates protocol that supports YOUR needs and deficiencies, not a ‘one size fits all’ solution.
The B.O.S.S. Group uses whole food concentrates – true nutritional supplementation – by Standard Process, to support clients’ healing. We also incorporate MediHerb clinical herbals. We adjust every protocol to suit the client’s needs as they improve, or as they encounter new conditions from nutritional deficiencies. We advocate and exercise true primary prevention!
Why Standard Process?
- The only supplement company to grow their own foods to produce the supplements – complete quality control from seed to supplement since 1929 – and an unmatched body of knowledge in the clinical application of their unique formulas.
- The first company to produce a nutritional supplement – living food, not lifeless chemicals/synthetics.
- 1,000 acres of company-owned, isolated, certified organic farmland since 1929, founded by one of the founding pioneers in the field of nutrition, Dr. Royal Lee.
- Unique manufacturing process, at a FDA GMP-certified facility which preserves full nutritional integrity and bioactivity.
- 106 out of 167 products are gluten-free.
- Unparallelled 90-year track record as of 2019, which is longer than any other company.
- Use certified organic animal products as much as possible.
- Products contain the same 3 types of ingredients found in Chinese herbal medicine: plant, mineral, animal.
- The energy of the formula, not the individual nutrients, are the most important and the ingredients support optimal function in the organs and tissues affected by stress, injury, dis-ease, and/or trauma to the body.
- The water and fiber are removed from raw, whole foods and the remaining powder is then put into tablets – true WHOLE FOOD concentrates.
- Nutrients provided as food concentrates to support normal physiology and biochemistry function. Not chemically manufactured to force the body to respond.
Functional Nutrition:
Free 30-minute consultations
Once accepted – Initial Health Strategy Kickoff Session (new rates beginning January 1, 2021):
- $250 (in-office session)
- $500 (session at home/work)
Report of Findings Session:
- $125 (in-office or Zoom session)
- $250 (session at home/work)
Follow up assessments:
- $125 (in-office or Zoom session)
- $250 (session at home/work)
Comprehensive nutrition assessment techniques may include (but not limited to):
- Symptom Survey analysis
- Hands-on nutritional exam
- Physical observations – hair, face, nails, mouth, skin, etc
- Blood, urine and/or hair tissue analysis:
- Blood reveals relatively more biochemistry
- Urine measures infection, protein, blood (RBC), pH, sugar, and liver markers
- Tissue/hair reveals relatively more physiology and toxicity Mostly minerals are measured well in hair. Reveals early stage imbalance.
- Page Body Measurements (also known as Endocrinograph or Anthropologicgraph)
- Determines one’s inherited glandular patterns
- Weekly dietary intake log
- Home tests done by the client
“It’s not that there are so many autoimmune dis-eases – it’s that so many dis-eases reach the autoimmune phase.” – Royal Lee
Which phase are you in….?
Dr. Melvin Page once said: “Correction of dietary factors involved in an adequate nutrition does not necessarily correct the nutrition, for nutrition implies the supplying of the necessary food materials to the tissues within the body. If the assimilation, which is controlled by the endocrines is not efficient, the digestive system may contain the necessary ingredients of a good nutrition, yet the bloodstream, which supplies these ingredients to the tissues, may be deficient in them.”
In other words, your food plan (diet) could contain the proper amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats but if the endocrines and exocrines, which regulate food assimilation are not functioning normally, then food passes through your body without being utilized by the body.
Is that the journey in life you want to take with your health…..?
What are your next 5 steps?
If you desire to improve your health:
- Decide you are worth it and fill out the Functional Nutrition paperwork – located here:
- Send your paperwork via email to I will review your information and prioritize your initial consultation. I may request that you complete additional information or forms before I agree to take you as a client. If you have any issues emailing the paperwork, please leave a message at 303.719.1633.
- Say “YES!” to your self-care – you deserve it!
- Stop ignoring your body and the messages it sends
- Begin to improve your health