You have healthy tissue cells that get engulfed by macrophages (natural process) and the necrotic tissue cells.
1. Necrotic tissue cells (shown above) overwhelm the reticuloendothlial system.
2. The dead cells, containing genetic material from the cell nucleus, leak into the bloodstream creating antigenic proteins, called autoantigens.
3. The immune system creates antiBODIES to destroy the autoANTIGENS.
4. The autoANTIBODIES convert the autoANTIGENS into histamine (eliminated via the liver)
5. The autoANTIBODIES track the source of the autoANTIGENS to the HOST SOURCE (remember: ANY injury can become an autoimmune process) and attacks the genetic proteins within the host causing inflammation. This is why inflammation is so important – let’s you know where an injury is.
6. If the inflammation is not addressed, it then leads to an autoimmune disease: disease -> dysfunction -> decay -> death
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NOTE: The information on this website is designed for educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. I am not a medical doctor and this information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. With all medical conditions, consult a qualified medical professional.
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